Product Photography Chiang Mai, Thailand

Introducing our product photography Chiang Mai, Thailand service. We can roughly divide professional photography in two main sections: photography done with natural light and also photography done with the support of artificial light. Product photography falls into the later category since ninety-nine percent of a product shoot is done in a studio in order to better control light. We do this in a product shoot to enhance shapes, subtly enhance color and texture and also get the right reflection and shadow.

Product Photography Services

The Product Shoot – The Advantage of working with controlled light

Product photography very often involves shooting small items.  A product shoot may consist of jewelry, bottles and kitchenware, leather goods, synthetic molded components, industrial items and so on. All these are relatively small items that consequently look flat and dull if photographed with natural light alone.

It is especially relevant that our product photography must be appealing and glamorous on a web page or in a catalog. During a product shoot we take great care to set up a staged environment. We then carefully ‘paint’ with item with light.

Before any product shoot it is vital to set out a comprehensive briefing with the client.  Before  shooting we must establish the different marketing needs of our clients. Some might prefer their products to be dressed up with color and props. All sorts of background choices are also available. On the other hand some clients prefer simple and plain white or black background. Indeed we must use plain backgrounds for products on some online stores.

Product Photography – The Advantage of Experience

A product shoot can be very time consuming. This is especially true when it comes to photographing highly polished objects, jewelry in particular. Here experience is critical.  We must properly direct the light source and also provide shading panels which take away unwanted reflections.

In our product photography studio we therefore need a great deal of professional equipment. We require much more than is needed for our hotel and industrial photography and even our automotive photography. We use sophisticated strobes, reflecting panels, soft boxes, tripods and we also have a great number of props. These are especially relevant for a great result.

We also use the latest technologies for post production editing. You can also see some of those techniques used in the photo retouching section of this website.

Chiang Mai product photography watches & Jewelry

We have the best professional equipment and additionally almost thirty years of experience in product photography.
We can combine these and consequently guarantee the best possible results with any kind of product.

Product Photography – Product Shoot Galleries

Click on the links below in order to view a selection of galleries